Saturday, March 3, 2012

3/1/2012 Getting Artsy

    This Thursday's class revolved around art projects. I had heard about tape art before, but this week I learned about tape sculptures. This takes tape art to a new level. We talked about the difference between arts and crafts and the therapeutic benefits of doing art. It wasn't something I had thought about much before, but crafts have a set plan and way to make them and art is more free. In art you can make whatever you want, and it can change into something else along the way. Each group got to pick some supplies from the table and start creating our own art project. After a few minutes we switched and got to try someone else's art project. We continued to do six projects total, and at the end we got to see what everyone else had done to our project. It was funny to see how a monkey in our original painting turned into a mermaid by the end.
    In all I participated in dot art, pipe cleaner creations, packing tape sculptures, duct tape weaving, mural drawing, and drawing a picture to add to a story. I learned to just "go with it" when making art because it probably won't turn out how you originally wanted it to look anyway. If my future clients become discouraged that they aren't artistic, I will now be able to explain that art can change and develop and still be beautiful. I didn't do any big thing to strive for excellence this week except to keep my mind open and participate in everything that came my way.
   Here's an idea of what I mean by packing tape sculptures.

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