Friday, March 30, 2012

3/29/2012 Presentations

    Today everyone presented their projects on different adapted activities. My group presented on adapted hunting and fishing. It wasn't the most exciting topic, but I think we put together an alright presentation. The first group presented their project on kayaking. They seemed truly interested in their topic and got the class to do an activity similar to what we do in class for other activities. The second group told us all about adapted cycling. This was a cool presentation because they brought in two hand cycles and we all got to try them out. This may have been the highlight of my day. That is definitely an experience I would not have gotten anywhere else. Group three did their entire presentation on goalball. I expected them to do a little more, but we did get the chance to play that too which made the presentation more interesting. Group four had extreme sports. Sadly we didn't get to participate in any sports for this one, but they told us about a lot of sports I didn't know much about. I think my favorite one was Hardcore Sitting. It involves using a wheelchair in many of the same tricks that people do on skateboards. Here's an example The last group to present before us taught everyone about chair yoga. It was a pretty simple concept to me because it is something I have learned about before. We also got to try that out.
   As I said, my group presented on hunting and fishing. I don't think our topic lived up to the exciting standard that had been set for us by other groups, but I think we shared a lot of good information with the class. In working on the project I learned a lot about different types of equipment used for adaptations. I also learned about organizations that had adapted fishing programs. I was excited to learn that there are several in Wisconsin. I don't know that I have a lot of interest in doing adapted hunting or fishing in my future, but one day I might use what I learned to help someone who is interested in it.
    Today I learned about a lot of inspiring activities. Hopefully in my future as a TRS I will get to try many of these out. Next week we are going to learn about Hula-Hooping; I'm excited to see where this goes!

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