Friday, February 10, 2012

2/9/2012 Skip to the Interlude

   So this was the week we were to choose our flash mob song. I figured this wouldn't be too hard; everyone would share a few ideas, we'd write them on the board, then take a vote.
   Oh no, of course it had to be much more difficult than that. We started off the class by taking a vote, about what I can't even remember because by the end we had voted so much that raising my hand had become a reflex. We all had the chance to state our group's case for our song choice along with location and a few other details. This is where the problems began. There were some groups that were in favor of totally creating our own dance and other groups that wanted something a little more prepackaged. There was debate and valid points were brought up on both sides. Just when it looked like a decision might be made something would change. This went on for quite some time and I learned that voting can be great when making group decisions, if you rush a decision and vote too soon you may have to re-vote later on because new arguments and problems will have arisen and everything has changed.
   Just when we were about to decide on a song for the third time(?) Kaylee had a new idea. She told us about a song called Interlude. She showed us a video of it and we all instantly decided it was the song for us. Sometimes all it takes is one idea to unite a group. The rest of the class was spent developing goals for the flash-mob and creating the actual routine. Once again this was a long process with a lot of discussion and more figuring it out as we went along and making adjustments.
   This week I learned that while I like democracy and voting, there is a point when it can be taken too far. Some decisions need to be executive decisions made by the most informed of the people who feel the strongest. My "striving for excellence" moment this week would have to be my small contributions when we were all offering our ideas. My ideas weren't anything new or exciting, but that's what makes this project a group effort, all of the little ideas put together.
   P.S. check out what we're planning to do in a few weeks:

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